Ghost of Guadalupe

Mark your calendars for Sunday, Dec. 7th at 3pm Bob and Wendy Ghost of Guadalupe CD release show with opener Butch Boswell Steynberg Gallery 1531 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo CA 93401 805 547-0278 $10 show / free CD Bob and Wendy, with Tim Novoa and Travis Harms, will perform songs from their new CD, Ghost of Guadalupe. With members of Virgil Cane (Butch Boswell, David Radmacher, and Adam Farber), and recorded at the Royal Theatre in Guadalupe, CA, Wendy's songs take on a live performance feel and sound. Other contributors include Jude Johnstone, Tim Novoa, Piper Heisig, Bette Byers and Sal Garza. Barry Goyette created the CD package with his unique photography of the remote town and theatre. Ghost of Guadalupe is currently available at Boo Boo Records.