New Times by Glen Starkey

"Every once in a while, it happens. I’m wandering around somewhere and find myself in a Bob & Wendy show. The last time it happened was at Art After Dark, and every time it happens I’m reminded about how unbelievably good they are and how I, and I think much of SLO County, takes them for granted. The gorgeous acoustic arrangements, often made haunting by Bob’s cello, the yearning, potent sound of Wendy’s voice and her incredibly moving lyrics—this is a world-class act. This Sunday, April 26, Bob & Wendy will be in concert from 1 to 3 p.m. in Coalesce Bookstore’s Garden Chapel, playing songs from their excellent new CD Ghost of Guadalupe. The concert is free, but if you haven’t picked up this CD, bring some extra cash and do it. It’s their best work to date."